Dev Log #1 — A New Year

Joshua Hoare
3 min readJan 3, 2021

Some of you may be wondering where I have been, what I have been up to and where I am going next. This post is a little something that may answer those questions and give some insight to my life as of the last year.

A Change Of Discipline

Starting off, the beginning of 2020 was bumpy. Not in terms of the pandemic but in a whole for my life. This was at the time I started learning to program and had big forks in the road that got me choosing paths. One of which was the transition to becoming a technical artists rather then a 3D Artist as I had always planned for growing up. It is hard to explain but the passion for what I do didn’t come from the goal of being somewhere rather the mindset of working on the things I love, Games.

Working on the movie sets gave me a lot of technical challenges and achievements to complete these ranged from learning basic code, soldering circuit boards, fixing monitors and rigging up screens. As well as the more technical computer side of things such as transcoding. Working with my first codec long term I found a passion for getting things done not through visuals but through process of logic. Moving forward, the beginning of 2020 gave me a chance to all out my personal development into learning c# for Unity and game development. I would learn simple tricks and basic fundamentals that expanded from those I learnt at SAE, with the goal of making simple and small tech art hacks like procedural terrain gen w/ the inclusion of foliage and 3d Assets.

Long story short, I got work as a programmer and 3d Artist for a company my friend referred me at. Since, I have expanded further and further in the discipline and am now working on UI and basic logic for projects.

Here are some attached gifs of shit I have been doing, It isn’t anything crazy but it shows the fundamentals of what I will be going for in my personal project which this series of blog will be about.

disclaimer, this blog and devlog will not be anal, I will have fun and enjoy my time, I will of course keep things professional but with a bit of language and memery in the background…

The core skills I will be focusing on developing, Are listed in a series of gifs and images below, they contain visuals to better help you understand the concept.

Screenshots/Gifs and their related skill

Hardsurface Modelling & Lighting
Environmental Shaders

